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About CEC

CEC Course Offerings

CEC offers a variety of dual credit courses.  Our Dual Credit Program provides high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors the opportunity to earn college credit while simultaneously earning elective high school credit.  Students must meet prerequisites and complete the dual credit course registration process to earn dual credit.  CEC offers dual credit classes through CNM, UNM and IAIA.  Dual credit classes are tuition-free and APS pays for required textbooks. Students are responsible for any course fees.


The CEC Course Catalog is your best source to find the right course for you.

How CEC Works

CEC Virtual Information for Parents and Students
February 4, 2025 • 5:30-6:30 pm

Google Meet Link:

Join by Phone:
(US) +1 413-453-0805
PIN: 919 390 562#

2024 info session:

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.s)

1. How do I register for classes?
Go to CEC Online Course Requests.  Students will fill out a Google form. 

2. How will my school counselor know what classes I want to take at the Career Enrichment Center?
CEC's Registrar will communicate with your home high school counselor about your CEC course registration.  Your high school counselor will then work with you to adjust your high school course schedule.

3. How do I know what bus to take?
APS provides free bus transportation to CEC and from CEC back your home high school throughout the day.  Charter school students can show CEC ID to take a CEC bus from their nearest APS high school.

4. How many credits do I earn for taking a CEC class?
Each CEC class is worth a minimum of 1 high school credit; however, some classes offer more for dual credit (through UNM/CNM/IAIA) - see the course catalog for specific information.

5. At what grade can I start taking CEC classes?
A few CEC classes allow freshmen to enroll; however most classes require the student to be at least a sophomore.

6. What are the requirements I need in order to take a CEC class?
In the course catalog, each class states whether or not there is a previous course or grade requirement to enroll. Some courses require no prerequisites.

7. What happens if I fail the CEC course? 
The student earns an F and will need to speak with their high school counselor to recover the credit.

8. What happens if I choose to drop the CEC course? 
CEC only takes course withdrawal request from counselors, not from students/parents.  You must talk with your HS counselor if you need to drop a CEC course.  There will be a deadline to drop the course without penalty (first two weeks).  If you choose to drop the course after the deadline, the student may earn a W/F.

9. Can I drive myself to CEC if I have a car?
Yes, students are allowed to drive themselves. Students must purchase a CEC parking pass for $45.

10. Do any of the courses have fees?
Some courses have fees to pay for course materials and/or supplies.  If a course fee is a barrier to taking the course, please reach out to your CEC instructor or CEC counselor.  CEC will work with your family.

Welcome to CEC!

Revised Jan. 31, 2025