Special Education Classes
Twice Exceptional (2X) Classes: ELA, Math, Social Development, and Career Academy
Grades: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Prerequisites: must have an IEP with giftedness as well as an exceptionality
Additional requirements: Teacher recommendation, observation, and attendance at most recent IEP
Fees: None
Dual Credit: No
Do you have two eligibilities, one of which is gifted?
Would you benefit from an enhanced and challenging language arts and/or mathematics program that would assist in your area of deficit and help you rise to your potential?
Can you be successful on two campuses while managing daily transportation and multi-level classrooms?
Would you benefit by meeting some of your graduation requirements in mathematics and language arts in an accelerated format?
The Career Enrichment Center Twice Exceptional Classes offer a specialized district opportunity for students who meet the criteria for gifted services and are eligible for special education services in an additional area. Teachers for these classes are certified in special education. Students receive support in the development of strengths, interests, and superior intellectual capacities based on IEP goals. Classrooms have a low student/teacher ratio. While attending these classes, students must also be enrolled in their neighborhood school to earn other graduation requirements and receive ancillary services. Students attend CEC for the afternoon portion of their day for core curriculum in Mathematics and Language Arts. The accelerated/enriched Language Arts and Mathematics curriculum helps students fulfill their graduation requirements in a non-traditional setting and prepare them for a post-secondary or training program of their choice.
We are proud to expand our program and offer next school year:
Career Academy I, II, III and VI* focusing on Employability Skills - course is designed to help students match their interests and aptitudes to career options. The focus of the career academy course is placed on sources of employment information, job seeking, interview techniques, applications and resumes, and the skills needed to remain and advance within the workplace.
Social Development I, II, III, and IV* - Course teaches students the social skills needed for independent functioning within the community. Topics may include self-control, self-expression, obeying rules, decision making, appropriate situational behavior, and how to interact with others and maintain relationships. Students may develop independence, self-confidence, and self-reliance.
- Discuss the possibility with your educational team/sponsor teacher at your neighborhood school. If you want to explore enrollment, schedule an observation, or visit, contact Jada Bower at bower_j@aps.edu.
- IEP team members, parents and students are invited to explore this possibility. Instructional Managers of the neighborhood high school and CEC will be consulted.
- If after your visit the team feels it is a strong possibility, the neighborhood high school will arrange an IEP and invite CEC to be part of the team decision. Students can be considered/reconsidered at any time during their high school career.
*Only students enrolled in the CEC 2x Program are eligible to request these courses.
- Twice Exceptional (2X) ELA: English 9, 10, 11, or 12
- Twice Exceptional (2X) Math: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, or Transitions to College Math
- Twice Exceptional (2X) Social Development I, II, III, IV
- Twice Exceptional (2X) Career Academy I, II, III, IV
Twice Exceptional (2X) ELA: English 9, 10, 11, or 12
Twice Exceptional (2X) Math: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, or Transitions to College Math
Twice Exceptional (2X) Social Development I, II, III, IV
Twice Exceptional (2X) Career Academy I, II, III, IV
Revised Jan. 9, 2025