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CEC Faculty & Classes

Tracie Bartlett

Tracie Bartlett
German 3 & 4

Cathy Baum

Catherine Baum
Practical Nursing Program

Nathaniel Bland

Nathaniel Bland
Emergency Medical Technician Program

Miskee Blatner

Miskee Blatner
Education Professions Career Pathways

Jacqueline Bourguet-Abrams

Jacqueline Bourguet-Abrams
Nursing Assistant Program

Jada Bower

Jada Bower
2X Classes

Paty Carreón

Paty Carreón
Spanish I, II, III & IV

Bernard Chimoni

Bernard Chimoni
Zuni Language

Daniel Cofer

Daniel Cofer
French I & II,
Mythology & Folklore / College Prep Composition

Justin Decker

Justin Decker
AP Art History with 2-D Design, Anime & Manga / Graphic Novel Art



Stephanie Dhonau
German 1 & 2

John Glaser

John Glaser

Lorena Glaser

Lorena Glaser
AP Statistics,
Medical Physics (Pre-Medical Science)

Colleen Gorman

Colleen Gorman
Navajo Language

Casey Grange

Casey Grange
AP Chemistry

Margaret Hendrix

Margaret Hendrix
Practical Nursing Program

Rubing Hsu

Rubing Hsu
Chinese I-VI,
AP Chinese,
Chinese Language Bilingual Seal Support

Judy Jaramillo

Judy Jaramillo

Megan Lanigan

Megan Lanigan
Veterinary Medicine

J.D. Maes

JD Maes
APD Police Service Aide Program

Ted McIntire

Ted McIntire
Cybersecurity & Web Programming,
Engineering Design (CAD)

Mark Mulroy

Mark Mulroy
Automotive Technology

Gabino Noriega III

Gabino Noriega III
Business Law,
Digital Audio,
UNM Ethnic Studies I-IV

Avatar of Amanda Reyes

Amanda Reyes
Financial Services Career Exploration (with Nusenda)

Katrina Roanhorse

Katrina Roanhorse
Practical Nursing Program

Mark Ryan

Mark Ryan
Digital Film Production

Angelina Saavedra

Angelina Saavedra

James Soto

James Soto

James Stapleton

James Stapleton
Practical Nursing Program

Ann Swickard

Ann Swickard
Financial Services Career Exploration (with Nusenda)

Ray Tokuda

Ray Tokuda
AP Physics

Jessica Vierra

Jessica Vierra
Humanities: Human Choices in Times of Crisis

Maii Wakisaka

Mai Wakisaka
Japanese I - IV,
AP Japanese

Maark Walker

Mark Walker
Forensic Science

Rebecca Weatherford

Rebecca Weatherford
Practical Nursing Program Director

John Williams

John Williams
Navajo History,
Native American Leadership,

Michael Wolverton

Michael Wolverton
AP Calculus BC,
Computer Science

Revised Jan. 17, 2024