APS Student Handbook Links
The Career Enrichment Center & Early College Academy is a special place with a unique educational program designed for students who are interested and motivated. We believe in this concept strongly and believe the Career Enrichment Center & Early College Academy is a place where the learning process should be disrupted as little as possible.
Attendance Policy
- A parent/guardian must notify the school that the student will be absent by contacting the attendance secretary at 247-3658.
- A parent/guardian must notify the school each day that a student is signing out before the end of the instructional day in accordance with the notification procedure established by the school.
- Teachers will take attendance by class period for each instruction day.
- Absences may be excused for the following reasons with appropriate documentation:
- Illness (including chronic illness documented on a health plan, IEP or 504 plan)
- Limited family emergencies; family deaths
- Medical, health or legal appointments
- Suspensions
- Religious commitment
- College visit
- Deployment of a military parent as defined in the “Military Children” procedural directive
- Limited extenuating circumstances as approved in advance by the school principal
- All absences for other reasons are unexcused including:
- Non-school sponsored activities or trips and family vacations outside of the normally scheduled school breaks
- In APS, a student is considered “a student in need of early intervention” (truant) at five (5) unexcused absences and a habitual truant at ten (10) unexcused absences in a year.
- School staff will make an attempt to contact the parent/guardian if the school has not received notification of absences by a parent for three (3) consecutive days.
- Principals may request additional documentation for excessive excused absences.
Make-Up Work
- Students may complete work for all excused and for up to 10 unexcused absences.
- Once a student is identified as a habitual truant (10 unexcused full day absences) make-up work may be provided for the student unless the principal and teacher determine otherwise based on the data provided.
- On the first day back to a class, students are responsible for requesting make-up assignments.
- Failure to complete make-up work in the time allowed may place students at risk of not earning class credits.
- Students will have the opportunity to complete the work in a period of time equal to the number of days absent unless other arrangements have been mutually agreed upon by the student and the teacher.
- Teachers may need 24 hours from the time of the request to compile assignments.
- If a teacher takes more than 24 hours, students may have an additional 24 hours to complete homework
- It is expected that students will take semester finals on the days that they are scheduled. Students will be permitted to make up finals if they are missed due to an excused absence as listed in this handbook. Requesting permission to take a final exam early is discouraged. Approval of such a request will rest with the teacher in consultation with the principal.
Excessive Absences
- Schools will identify and provide intervention strategies for students with unexcused absences
- School-related activities taking students out of school are not included when evaluating excessive absences.
- A student is not allowed more than ten (10) school-related absences per class per semester.
- State law requires schools to withdraw a student after ten (10) consecutive days of absence, but only after the school has exhausted its efforts to keep the student in an educational setting through a variety of interventions.
- Schools may not use out of school suspension or expulsion as punishment for truancy.
- A little late is too late
- Tardiness is not allowed. If a pattern of tardiness occurs, parents will be contacted and disciplinary action will be taken.
- Repeated tardiness will result in penalties and will require a parent-pupil-principal conference.
Telephone and Communications Devices
ECA does have a phone available for student use at anytime. We will also take messages from parents for students but will not deliver those messages, except in cases of emergencies, during class time.
Electronic Devices
- The student who possesses a personal electronic device shall be solely responsible for its care.
- Student possession of personal electronic devices on all school campuses, including athletic fields, and school buses, at school-sponsored activities and while the student is under the supervision and control of school district employees shall be permitted. All students may use these devices on campus before school begins and after school ends. In addition, students in high school grades 9-12 may use such devices during their lunch period.
- Personal electronic devices shall be permitted on school buses, as authorized by the administration, unless use of the personal electronic device causes a disruption on the school bus
- Student use of personal electronic devices shall be prohibited in areas including classrooms, bathrooms, and hallways.
- Students shall not use personal electronic devices on school property or at a school-sponsored activity to access and/or view Internet websites that are otherwise blocked to students at school. Blocked sites include, but are not limited to, social networking sites and You Tube.
- Student use of personal electronic devices that disrupt the instructional day may result in disciplinary action and/or confiscation of the personal electronic device. When a personal electronic device is confiscated, it shall only be released and/or returned to the student’s parent/legal guardian. It is the student’s parent/legal guardian’s responsibility to retrieve the device from administration.
Unauthorized Use
Unauthorized use of personal electronic devices includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Possessing, viewing, sending or sharing video or audio information having sexual, violent or threatening content on school grounds, school events or school busses shall be prohibited and may result in disciplinary action and/or confiscation of the personal electronic device.
- Transmitting school materials for unethical purposes such as cheating.
- Any activity which may be in violation with the Albuquerque Public Schools Bullying Prevention policy and procedural directive.
Student Use of Technology
Devices and power adaptors are provided upon enrollment. Parents/legal guardians and students should review the procedures explained on the APS Student Use of District Issued Educational Technology page and contact administration with any questions. You may also review the FAQ about Student Issued Devices.
Bus Transportation
Bus transportation for the Career Enrichment Center/Early College Academy is available to/from each high school. This applies to each student duly enrolled in the Albuquerque Public School system with the exception of Albuquerque High Students. Students are required to obey the Transportation Handbook as provided by APS and Bus Contractors.
Many CEC/ECA students drive to and from the Center in their own vehicles. It must be understood that the Albuquerque Public Schools District cannot assume responsibility for those students who do choose to drive to and from CEC/ECA. In order to park their cars at CEC/ECA, students must purchase a parking permit for a nominal fee. It is expected that students driving to CEC and /or ECA will arrive on time for classes and not leave early campus early without parental permission. Violation of these expectations will result in the parking permit being revoked. Cars with no parking permit or revoked parking permits will tow at owners’ expense.
Student Parking
Students driving vehicles or motorcycles are required to purchase a parking permit. Vehicles in the parking lot will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Reckless operation of vehicle and speeding may result in a police citation. The speed limit on school property is 10 MPH.
The parking lot is off limits to students during class time or during the ten-minute break. Sitting in cars before and during school is not permitted. Should abuse of the parking privilege occur, administration might rescind a student’s permit.